
Curriculum Vitae (Resume)  EGCH Plastic Artist    
Name: Eunice G Chumaceiro B.
Plastic Artist, born in Maracaibo on June 2, 1971.  Conducted higher studies at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) of Architecture.  At the University of José Maria Vargas (UJMV) of Museology.  Painting courses and studies at the Juan Lovera Cultural Training School (CONAC).  Painting courses with Painter Patria Risso, with Painter Johnny Bermúdez, studied Prints and Silkscreen at the Juan Lovera Cultural Training School (CONAC). Creation of materials for Painting at the Cándido Millán School of Fire Arts, among others.

IORFAN New Painting Gallery, 2006, 3rd Prize
IORFAN New Painting Gallery, 2007, Honorable Mention
IVIC Petróleos de Venezuela Hall, 2010, 3rd Prize
Santa Paula Hall XVII, 2011, Honorable Mention
Juan Lovera Hall, 2011, Honorable Mention

International Exhibitions:
2007, Collective Color and Creation, Venezuela Consulate in Cucuta, Colombia

Individual Exhibitions:
2008, A Journey On The Water, Carlos Otero Hall, Naiguatá, Venezuela
2009, Fluids Miltary Circle of Caracas, Venezuela
2011, The Art and good food are Everything. Home and Country, State of Miranda

Some of the Exhibitions Held in Heritage Institutions:
2004, Collective of the Chamber of Commerce of La Guaira
2005, Women’s Pictorial World Gallery, SEMIC, San Antonio de los Altos, State of Miranda
2005, Tribute To Jesús Soto IVIB, State of Miranda
2005, Collective of the Chamber of Commerce of La Guaria
2005, Increased Competition of Arts and Letters, Caracas DF
2005, Art and Expression, Las Minas, State of Miranda
2005, Cima Gallery, Caracas DF
2005 Military Circle of Caracas DF Venezuela
2006 XIV Tribute to Women’s Day Hall, SEMIC Gallery, State of Miranda
2006 First IORFAN Paintings Hall, Military Circle of Caracas DF
2007 Individual Art Foundation, III Anniversary, Ateneo de El Hatillo, State of Miranda
2007 Second IORFAN Paintings Hall, Military Circle of Caracas DF
2008 Second Exposition of Petroleum Theme, INTEVEV, State of Miranda
2009 Velada Santa Lucia, 9th Edition, Maracaibo, State of Zulia
2009 V International Hall Mail @ 2009 Maracay, State of Aragua
2010 General Comptroller, State of Miranda
2010 Alejandro Otero Arts Hall, Caracas DF
2010 Juan Lovera Hall, San Antonio de los Altos, State of Miranda
2010 Velada Santa Lucia, 10th Edition, Maracaibo, State of Zulia
2011 The Magician of Light, Touring Collective Exhibition, State of Miranda
2011 Beautiful Arts Exhibition Hall – Metro of Caracas 2011
2011 Velada Santa Lucia, 11th Edition, Maracaibo, State of Zulia
2011 Ripples Gallery, Art Innovarte, El Hatillo DF Gallery Exhibitions
2011 Hartillarte Festival, Art Innovarte, El Hatillo DF Gallery Exhibitions
2012  II General Comptorller, State of Miranda
2012 VI IORFAN Paintings Hall, Military Circle of Caracas DF.
2012 X Living Art DYCVENSA Caracas FD.
2013 The Art of Child Caracas FD Venezuela 

Galleries that represent her in Venezuela:

Arte Innovarte Gallery Caracas DF. Phone 058-0212-211-55-15

Inversiones Art Concept 2006 Gallery  Maracaibo Zulia Venezuela 058-0226-751-25-38

Expresarte Gallery Caracas  DF.

Actual Gallery Caracas DF 058-0414-244-01-91

ART3 Gallery Caracas DF. Phone 058- 0212-993-70-53

Gallery Art Of Venezuela Caracas DF. Phone 058-0212-373-28-64